The Truth About Electric Bicycle Motors: Beyond 250 W


In the world of electric bicycles, technical clarity is often overshadowed by misinformation. A clear example of this is the recent article from "Hybrids and Electrics". Read the article here.which, although not ill-intentioned, perpetuates certain common confusions about the power and torque of electric motors. Our goal here is to clarify these concepts and offer a more accurate and grounded perspective.

Power vs. Torque: A Widespread Confusion

The mentioned article falls into the common mistake of equating torque with power. While torque refers to the force of rotation, power relates to the ability to perform work over a given time. This distinction is fundamental for understanding the true performance of an electric bicycle. And torque should not be used to quantify which motor is the most powerful because, as we often say at Testmybike torque is not a measure of power..

La Realidad de la Potencia Nominal

La normativa establece que los motores Pedelec están limitados a una potencia nominal de 250 W. Sin embargo, esto no significa que la potencia real se limite a esta cifra. Si fuera así todos los motores serían igual de potentes y eso desde Testmybike sabemos que no es así. El equilibrio térmico del motor es la clave y este término es el que permite que los motores operen más allá de esta potencia nominal, a menudo alcanzando y manteniendo potencias mucho mayores.

Beyond 250W: The Impact of Thermal Balance

The thermal balance of the motor is a crucial aspect, rarely discussed and explained in industry articles. This factor allows the motors of electric bicycles to exceed the 250 W barrier, offering much higher performance.

Sustainability of Power over Time: Unveiling the Real Capacity of E-bike Motors

A critical aspect often overlooked in the debate about the power of electric bicycle motors is their ability to sustain high power levels over time. At Testmybike, we have conducted a series of comprehensive tests to evaluate this aspect. The results, clearly illustrated in the attached graph, demonstrate

que that motors can operate for extended periods of time at power levels significantly higher than the nominal 250 W. This indicatesluso duplicando cuanto menos dicha cifra en los motores denominados Full Power.  

The graph shows the electric power of an electric bicycle motor over time, with time expressed in minutes. Through a trend line, it is observed that the power not only exceeds 250 watts but also remains above this threshold for almost an hour. This finding is fundamental to debunk the notion that motors cannot deliver 250 W for an extended period of time.

This analysis reinforces the idea that the evaluation of a motor's power should not be limited to its nominal value. Rather, its performance capacity under real usage conditions should be considered, which offers a more complete and accurate view of its true potential.

Maximum Contribution to Pedaling: Revealing Hidden Powers

The concept of 'maximum contribution to pedaling,' a term found in the data attached in the article and provided by motor manufacturers, often mentioned as 400%, is indicative of how motors can offer assistance beyond the nominal 250 W. For example, if a cyclist contributes 150 W of effort, the motor can increase this input by up to 600 W, demonstrating its ability to exceed nominal limitations. However, it is important to recognize that each motor has its actual limit of maximum power it can offer. This limit ensures that, regardless of the cyclist's power input, for example, 300 W, the motor will not multiply this input beyond its established maximum capacity, thereby avoiding exceeding, for example, 1200 W, even if theoretically the 400% multiplication factor would suggest it.


It is understandable that these errors are made due to the lack of clear and precise information in the sector. However, it is vital that, as experts in electric bicycles, we strive to clarify these concepts and provide a more accurate and real vision. By doing so, we not only help consumers but also raise the overall level of knowledge in our sector.


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